Brewers' Tell the North Bank Beer Story
During the 2nd annual North Bank Beer Week (Sept. 22 to 30), we invited North Bank Brewers to come into the taphouse and tell their stories. As the (tap)house of stories, we believe in the power of telling stories to connect with each other, new friends, and the community. North Bank brewers shared about their breweries, how they got into brewing/came to open their breweries, and their thoughts on being part of the North Bank. Here is the collective story emerging of the North Bank craft-beer scene as told by 15 North Bank (SW Washington Brewers)!
We already knew we have found ourselves part of a very exciting time in this community because of craft beer but after hearing their stories, we are even MORE excited to be a part of it all! We look forward to watching it grow and being a part of its continual growth!